Wednesday 9 April 2014

Bharat Employment Services Pvt Ltd.

What is the difference between psychology test & psychometric test?

The difference between psychology test & psychometric test 
Psychology test: A test to determine the emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual or group.

Psychometric test: A quantitative test for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits. How does this help in the recruitment? It is important because candidates answer the interview questionnaire but their answers can be influenced by what is quaintly known as "motivational distortion". Consciously or unconsciously they may recognise the types of behaviours that the organisation is looking for and their answers reflect that perception rather than their own personality. When this happens, the results of the questionnaire may be unreliable or even misleading. These tests help identify the extent to which responses have been influenced by motivational distortion. so you don't know whether the result is a true reflection of the individual, or an image that is projected for the benefit of the interviewer.

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