Tuesday 22 April 2014

How Credible is your Educational Degree?


Are you sure your Educational Degrees/Certificates are not fake? 

Out of the total candidates rejected by employers due to Fake Education, as many as 50.84% candidates lose their jobs due to Forged Documents and 40.80% are rejected by companies due to Fake/ Unrecognised Institution. 
Getting your Educational Certificates and Degrees verified ensures you are not rejected by any employer because of Fake/Forged Degrees or University.


1. Try to attend an actual brick and mortar school that offers online programs.These schools usually have a good reputation. In many cases, the transcript will not even show that the degree was earned online.

2. Discover how long the school has existed.
 An online university that has been around for a long period of time will be better perceived.

3. For many fields, online degrees are widely accepted.
 For example, nursing, criminal justice, and secondary education often accept online degrees. Academia, engineering, medicine, and law are professions which discourage online degrees. See more information about online degree credibility.

4. Consult current or potential employers to see if they accept degrees from online universities. Some employers offer partnerships with online schools.

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