Thursday 7 May 2015

Bharat Employment: Advantages of having LinkedIn profile

Advantages of having LinkedIn profile
Unlike other social media networks, LinkedIn is a business focused networking service that is created by professionals with experience. LinkedIn has become a place where recruiters come to find suitable candidates after verifying their past experiences.
Creating a professionally written LinkedIn profile is a great opportunity to open new doors and network of the desired industry for both recent pass out students and experienced professionals. Some of its advantages are:
  • LinkedIn profile is often treated as first information which a potential employer needs to evaluate a candidate. A complete LinkedIn profile is important to make the right first impression.
  • LinkedIn profile gives the recruiters a chance to see more than what is just on your resume. It is treated as an extension of your resume and is simply something no professional should be without.
  • Through a LinkedIn profile a person can create a professional online marketing profile and brand for himself by showing the professional connections and details related to it.
  • A professionally written LinkedIn profile can help open up doors to many career oriented opportunities by connecting you directly with potential hiring managers, bosses or even other individuals who share similar job titles to your own. It allows you to network with other industry professionals as well.
Bharat Employment Services Pvt Ltd will help you in updating your LinkedIn profile with your educational accomplishments along with your certification and courses by highlighting your accomplishments in best lights.

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