Sunday 28 June 2015

Bharatemployment Recruitment and Selection

 Bharatemployment Recruitment and Selection
Risk management strategies
Following your risk assessment of the employee recruitment and selection process by Bharatemployment, you should consider these risk management strategies:
  • Retaining interview notes made by each member of the selection committee on the recruitment file.
  • Recording verification of all academic and professional qualifications.
  • Including independents from outside the organization on the selection panel.
  • Filling vacancies promptly so that periods during which employees undertake more senior duties are not unduly extended, to the disadvantage of other potential applicants.
  • Screening pre-employment candidates and undertaking thorough reference checks. Each referee should be asked the same questions relating to the selection criteria and responses documented.
  • Verifying personal details with original documentation or certified copies.
  • Advertising positions widely enough to maximize the potential field and including appropriate selection criteria.

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